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NAAC's Criteria & Accreditation-
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (full form of NAAC) is an autonomous institution established by the University Grant Commission of India (UGC) to assess and accredit higher education institutions in India. The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) was established in 1994 as an autonomous institution of the University Grants Commission (UGC) with its Head Quarter in Bengaluru. It is an outcome of ‘National Education policy (NPE) 1986 and Plan of Action (PoA) 1992 to make Quality assurance an Integral part of the functioning of Higher Education Institutions ( HEIs).
Prior, no educational institution needed to be accredited by NAAC. But recently UGC has declared that each establishment must get NAAC accreditation by 2022. This makes NAAC accreditation mandatory for all higher learning establishments by 2022.
Why NAAC accreditation is Important for you?
India is the second-largest higher education system in the world, catering to somewhat 37.4 million of students with more than 900 universities, 39890 colleges, and more than 10700 standalone Institutions that make a huge number of Institutions.
Io provide outcome-based education and maintain quality in higher education with enormous accreditation benefits to students, UGC & NAAC, suggest every institute to focus on NAAC A&A (NAAC assessment and accreditation process).
Ihe NAAC has been set up to facilitate the volunteering institutions to assess their performance vis-a-vis set parameters through introspection and a process that provides space for participation of the Institution.
Institution to know its strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities through an informed review process.
Identification of internal areas of planning and resource allocation.
Collegiality on the campus.
Funding agencies look for objective data for performance funding.
Institutions to initiate innovative and modern methods of pedagogy.
A new sense of direction and identity for Institutions.
The society looks for reliable information on quality education offered.
Employers look for reliable information on the quality of education offered to the prospective recruits.
Intra and inter-institutional interactions.
Are you Eligible for NAAC Assessment & Accreditation (A&A) ?
Both Universities and Colleges should ensure their eligibility before appearing for NAAC, Here are NAAC’s eligibility criteria-
At least two batches of students who graduated or been in existence for six years, whichever is earlier, are eligible to apply for the process of Assessment and Accreditation (A&A) of NAAC.
All Universities and Institutions showing National Importance should be approved by MHRD/ UGC.
All Autonomous colleges/Constituent Colleges/ Affiliated Colleges (Affiliated to Universities recognized by UGC as an affiliating University).
Institutions should have regular students enrolled in the full-time teaching and Research programs offered on campus.
For more details click on the Following Link
What are NAAC Grading system?
NAAC assesses the institution and provides grades like A++, A+, A, B++, B+, B & C So on. They expect that minimum quality standards should be maintained in higher education. If any institute gets less than the CGPA > 1.50, NAAC gives them a “Not Accredited status” with D grade.
What are NAAC Criteria and weightages ?
NAAC critically focuses on getting a criteria-based assessment ( NAAC criteria 1 - NAAC Criteria 4) into the following seven areas of higher education
Curricular Aspects
Teaching-Learning and Evaluation
Research, Consultancy & Extension
Infrastructure and Learning Resources
Student Support and Progression
Governance, Leadership & Management
Innovations and Best Practices
Importance of NAAC Accreditation ? How it will help?
To the students:
NAAC Accreditation always Increase Placement opportunity to the Institutes with international companies and industries.
An edge over other university students in terms of Teaching Learning process
Accreditation gives an advantage to alumni that they hail their degree from a credible institute, which ultimately improves the admissions for the Institution
It increases the possibility for better academics, labs, workshops, opportunities, projects, etc
Accelerates exchange programs with tie-ups from different reputable foreign universities which increase Institute & University reputation.
It develops a healthy competition between students and faculties for Better intake, Teaching quality, Teaching-learning process, Infra & other ICT facilities & placements.
To the Institute:
Increase the Research funding and grants approval percentage which generates revenue for Institute
It develops confidence & healthy competition among faculty to develop their skills.
Give a brand value to Institute
A positive impact on the Institution in better admissions, superior faculty hiring and brings more efficient employers
Improve quality education and Placement which helps Institute, Students, Parents, Alumni & Employers in every aspect
If you have any doubts about accreditation please send your query to consultantfrp@gmail.com.
Which is better, NBA or NAAC Accreditation?
NAAC accredits an Institute/ University, whereas NBA accredits program/s. If programs are NBA accredited first in a good grade, it establishes the institute's credibility and a good grade in NAAC becomes easier. Simply put, the NBA of programs is like roots to a tree, where the tree is the NAAC. If roots are strong, the tree is expected to be strong, without a doubt.
Let's make it simple, NAAC accreditation is done to determine whether the applying Institute/ University meets certain criteria as laid down by the NAAC in its document, named “Self Study Report”. If it meets then & to what level or degree it meets. This level or degree determines institutes grade in NAAC Like A++, A+, etc.
On the other hand, NBA accreditation is for accrediting a “Program” of an Institute/ University. An Engineering institute often has a number of programs, like in CSE, ECE, etc, A Management Institute like MBA, PGDM, etc, A Pharmacy Institute like B.Pharmacy, Pharm.D, M.Pharmacy, etc.
NBA lays down its criteria of assessment in a document called “Self Assessment Report”. The degree to which a program demonstrates its fitness on all criteria forms the basis of its grade i.e. 6-year accreditation or 3- year accreditation.
Institute/University may go for NBA/ NAAC But We recommend first to have NAAC accreditation so that institutions are able to establish a quality process and Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) across the whole way to being the venturing stone.
Our Services
We provide step by step expert solution to get your institution with high-grade accreditation. Following are the steps,
1. Institutional Audit: Our Experts visit at the campus and conduct Audit, A well-documented audit report is prepared as per NAAC Manual and fetched to an institution for their current status as per NAAC requirements.
2. IIQA Submission: An online submission of INSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION AND QUALITY ASSESSMENT (IIQA) is to be submitted.
3. SSR Submission: We guide the institution on Self Study Report (SSR) on robust 7 criteria along with 93 - 115 Key Indicators as per NAAC's New Format which comprises predominantly Qualitative (Q1M) and Quantitative (QnM) metrics. We ensure the timely submission of the SSR online.
4. DVV Clarifications: We provide Apt & Structured Clarifications to raised queries by NAAC in the stipulated time frame. Also to closely monitor the Data validation and Verification process (DVV) and update to Institution on its status.
5. Student Satisfaction Survey: Assist HEI's (Higher Educational Institutions) on the right way to conduct the process for the maximum score in the new format of the NAAC.
6.Peer Team Visit: Assist institution for implementing the best strategy on Peer Team Visit of NAAC.