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There are many more questions prompting the student during their academics like “University exam notification”, “Notes” for the subject, “Previous year question paper” to understand the pattern of exam and last but not least “Examination Results”.
We observed many times that many students who are good in academics lose their grades due to lack of proper Notification/ Notes.
On the request of our beloved students, we created a system where student can find important information of all Indian Universities at one place.
We added many universities in this list but if you want to include your university name also, please Click here.
We also provides free job alert service to job seekers in India on latest government jobs, Industry based jobes, jobs & oppertunities in abroad along with video lessons which are completly free, for more information Click here.
If you have any questions about selection of research topic, research work, Thesis /Manuscript writing & grant writing then Please Click here
List of cloned journals Source- UGC care list 2023